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Annotated Transcript

My Quest Acquiring a Master's Degree in Educational Technology 



CEP 810  |  Teaching for Understanding with Technology
​Instructors: Craig McMichael, Laura Terry

This course was the first of many that made me more metacognitively aware of my current teaching practices. I was introduced to the T-PACK model for effective technology integration. This model focuses on the relationship or the intersection between technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge. I explored new technologies and consciously thought about ways to build my own future learning network. One of the biggest and most challenging projects in this course was the Networked Learning Project. For this project I taught myself how to create a video tutorial using iMovie on an iPad. This project required that I use only online videos, forums, and online tutorials to learn. I demonstrated how iMovie works and created the tutorial by capturing it with Camtasia by means of AirPlay and AirServer.


CEP 811  |  Adapting Innovative Technologies in Education

​Instructors: Craig McMichael, Laura Terry

For this course I delved deeper into the T-PACK theory (Integration of Technology, Pedagogy and Content Knowledge), looked at learning theories, and experimented with programs like Mozilla Popcorn Maker, a Makey Makey kit, SketchUp, and Evernote. One of the major focuses in this course was repurposing the world around us. Technology and information are changing very, very quickly,  few tools are made specifically for education so educators need to adapt it for the classroom. Another valuable component of this course was working with a team to create an Ultra Micro MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) and create a conference spark session. Our focus was on gamification in the classroom.


CEP 812  |  Applying Educational Technology to Problems of Practice​

Instructors: Craig McMichael, Laura Terry

This course centered on teaching and education-related problems (well structured, ill-structured, and wicked problems). I collaborated with a team of individuals to learn more about the wicked problem of online learning. Our task was to look at this complex problem and come up with ways to move forward with online learning! In addition, I conducted surveys which focused on technology integration practices in my school. The results indicated that teachers have many different needs; as an educational coach for my building it is helpful to continuously analyze data to determine how to best meet these needs on an ongoing basis.



CEP 800  |  Psychology of Learning in School and Other Settings
​Instructors: Dr. Danah Henriksen, Jon Good, Rohit Mehta

In this course, I investigated various learning theories (behaviorism learning theory, cognitive learning theory, and sociocultural learning theory). I used cognitive scientist, Daniel T. Willingham’s book, Why Don’t Students Like School,  to learn more about working memory, cognitive learning styles, and cognitive abilities. I worked collaboratively on a team  to create 2 short stop-motion videos which explain Willingham’s theory in 2 of his chapters. In addition, I developed a technology based grant proposal for learning, called Dream It. My dream is to get a video production, broadcasting studio to provide opportunities for transformational learning using digital media.


CEP 815  |  Technology and Leadership
​Instructors: Dr. Danah Henriksen, Jon Good, Rohit Mehta

This course focused on ways to manage my own learning and resources to build my personal learning network. I demonstrated my knowledge by reflecting on the process I use for learning. In addition, we looked at educational tensions regarding leadership, professional development and the implementation of technology. The other major component of this course centered on leadership and the role I can play in my school and beyond. I worked collaboratively to create a live webinar for educators that concentrated on the social and ethical uses of technology regarding intellectual property and copyright.


CEP 822  |  Approaches to Educational Research
​Instructors: Dr. Danah Henriksen, Jon Good, Rohit Mehta

This course examined some of the different ways to gather data, develop skills to interpret educational research and then use this research in our teaching. Working collaboratively as a team, we looked at the topic of sound and conducted interviews to determine common misconceptions. We created a humorous, yet factual, video and website sharing our process and results. We determined that prior knowledge and personal experience play a role in understanding a topic, however they can also lead to misconceptions. It is important to continuously evaluate and improve my teaching practices to make sure students truly have a deep understanding.



​CEP 818  |  Creativity in Teaching and Learning
​Instructors: Dr. Punya Mishra, Rohit Mehta

In this course I explored what makes someone creative and  how to generate creative thinking in a classroom using various thinking tools introduced in the book Sparks of Genius: The 13 Thinking Tools of the World’s Most Creative People by Robert and Michele Root-Bernstein. I developed projects that enhance students' creativity and I developed my own creativity and awareness. I learned that to be creative requires one to take the information they know and the resources they have to create something new, innovative or thought provoking. If you increase the knowledge level, and provide new or different resources, then it changes opportunities and outcomes of what is produced. Whichever process or thinking tools the students use for generating unique thoughts, technology can be repurposed to support this.




CEP 820  |  Teaching Students Online
​Instructors: Dr. Anne Heintz, Trixie Beeker

For this course I  looked at strategies to help students learn and participate in an online environment (fully online, blended and hybrid formats). I built my own virtual classroom, using Moodle, to teach educators at my school how to use our video broadcasting studio. In addition, I looked at ways to communicate and collaborate online and discussed classroom management. One of the most beneficial components of this course was learning how to create an alignment table and by how to assess the quality of a course using the Exemplary Online Instruction Rubric provided by California State University.

Spring 2016

MI830  |  Foundations of Serious Games
​Instructor: Dr. Carrie Heeter

This course introduced me to the principles and processes for serious game design. To make a good game requires many steps, a great idea and several Playtests. I learned that video games can impact the users in a multitude of ways and that the majority of video games are created by men. As an educator it is important to encourage girls to go into this field, as well as question my students who are coding to get them to think about the values they instill in the stories and programs they create. It was in this course that I worked with a team to create an epic game called Tech Trek. Tech Trek is a 4-player card game designed to for middle school students to teach them about various technology related careers.

Summer 2016

CEP 807  |  Capstone Portfolio Course
​Instructors: Dr. Matthew Koehler, Brittany Dillman, Spencer Greenhalgh, Sarah Keenan

This is the final course that culminates my best work throughout my Master of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) program. It is in this course, that I created this online professional portfolio which showcases my learning, past and present goals, essays, resume, and more.  As I reflect on all I have learned over the past 3 years, I realize that there is very little that I won't apply and I am even more aware of the never ending flow of what I want to learn. This portfolio is a demonstration of my success; learning and using various technology tools, and more importantly, becoming the best educator possible engaging and motivating others.

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