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All Things Are Bound Together. All Things Connect.

Every picture has a story behind it. I decided to tell my story by creating a picture that represents my future learning goals and how all things connect. It starts simple (the image above) and for each goal I added another layer. My last goal shows the finished image (look for the lightbulb). 

At the bottom of the page is a link to my story.

All things are bound together. All things connect. Often I find myself reflecting on life; the people I come in contact with, the knowledge we share, the ways we learn, what we have in common and what brings us joy. I want to make a difference and make connections… to my students, to my colleagues and to others beyond the walls of my classroom. Technology provides a way to make these connections a reality. I selected the following future learning goals because I want to make a difference using technology. My first goal involves continually learning and building my skill set; this is important because technology is always changing and I want to make sure I stay current. My second goal  involves building relationships; to help others be successful I need to make sure my instructional practices are also current in all diciplines. My final goal is  to continually expanding the world I connect to; eventually I would like to work at a university, thus it is important that I continue to find ways to be a leader in the educational  community.  

Anchor 2

Quench My Thirst...

Continue Learning!

I have always had a thirst for knowledge, exploration and a natural curiosity. As a child, I loved reading the "Tell Me Why" series and was often interested in what my father was tinkering with. As an adult I continually want to know more, I am intrigued by what I do not know and what others can teach me. My way of acquiring knowledge has changed over the years due to technology. I can learn through research, connect to other professionals, watch online tutorials and videos, and take online courses. There are so many areas I would love to develop, it was difficult to narrow down. 

  • Creating and producing videos are high on my "professional bucket list". I have piloted two student-created videos and am in the process of learning more about creating videos using Pinnacle Studio. To improve, I plan on working with an experienced Pinnacle Studio user, independently watching online tutorials through YouTube, and joining a Google+ forum for Pinnacle Studio usersIn addition, I plan on completing the Moodle Course for educators and creating an online course for my upcoming 8th grade class complete with my own tutorials using Pinnacle Studio. 

  • I will be teaching a course next year called Modular Technology. In this course, students learn about programs that lead into STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Careers. I would like to create a robotics module and have purchased a small robot from Graymark that I am assembling from scratch. Once I have completed this, I plan on creating an online module using Moodle for students. Before creating the course, I need to learn more about robotics and engineering. I plan on learning by independently researching online, joining a Twitter Group for Robotics & Engineering and seeking out the help of a high school science teacher, Rich Lund.

  • One of the courses that I really enjoyed was, Foundations for Serious Games. In this course I collaborated with a team to create a game. We were encouraged to market the game that we created. So, I will be working with this team to figure out the best way to market it and share our knowledge with other educators.  

  • Finally, I will be learning to be more creative and modeling this creativity in the courses I create. I have come to realize that creativity can be taught  and students need opportunities to be creative!  Developing engaging, creative activities can foster the creative side of the brain. In addition, I need to be willing and take time to explore and play to develop the creative side of my brain as well!  


Anchor 3

Build Relationships...

See Possibilities

" Things don't just happen. You have to make them happen. You can count on nothing working out exactly as planned. By working hard and creatively looking for solutions, you will find your way around all life's obstacles." 

                                                                                           ~ Eula Hall 



To make a connection with people it is important to build a relationship. I make a point of looking at people, smiling and talking to them. Digitally this is a bit more challenging, but it can be done!  As an educator, I want to influence and inspire others so they realize their potential to solve problems. I want students to look at the world differently, see possibilities, discover, explore, be open to the ideas of others and love learning! Basically, I am successful if I can find ways to make them successful! To help myself be a better educator, I must always evaluate my instructional methods, stay up to date with educational research and be cognizant of new technologies. Ways I plan to improve are reading, following educational speakers and well known educational groups on Twitter using Tweetdeck (#MichEd, @MACUL, @ISTE, @edtechdunny, #edchat, @stanleyteach, @dannahanne, @lesliefisher, @gcouros, etc), attending educational technology conferences such as MACUL (Michigan Association of Computer Users in Learning), and by maintaining the relationships I have built in the past with professors, fellow educational technology graduates throughout the world and professional colleagues. 

Anchor 4

Expand My World...

Look Towards the Future

" You must be the change you wish to see in the world."

                                       ~Mahatma Gandhi



Later in my career, I would like to become an academic technology coordinator at a university. I would like to find ways to enhance learning using technology, provide training and support for faculty, create workshops and training programs focusing on methods for effective use of technology in teaching. To better prepare myself for the next step in my educational journey I will continue as an educational technology coach in my building, providing workshops for educators throughout my district, and take students to present at the MACUL Technology Student Showcase each year.  In addition, I would like to become more active in the Capital Area Ed Tech group by sharing thoughts, ideas, technological  knowledge and instructional practices with others. 

" You must be the change you wish to see in the world."

                                       ~Mahatma Gandhi



Later in my career, I would like to become an academic technology coordinator at a university. I would like to find ways to enhance learning using technology, provide training and support for faculty, create workshops and training programs focusing on methods for effective use of technology in teaching. To better prepare myself for the next step in my educational journey I will continue as an educational technology coach in my building, provide workshops for educators throughout my district, and take students to the MACUL Technology Student Showcase each year.  In addition, I plan on being more active in the Capital Area Ed Tech group by sharing thoughts, ideas, technological  knowledge and instructional practices with fellow educators. 

Anchor 5

Make a difference.

Be the difference. 

Live a noble existence. 

Amaze yourself. 

Aspire to inspire the best in others.

Celebrate YOU!


~Vesna M. Bailey

In summary, my center is my passion for learning and making connections... 

  • to my students, my colleagues, and beyond.

  • to knowledge and other professionals.

  • to effective use of technology in teaching. 

  • to my future and believing in myself. 

  • and to my family and faith.

Anchor 1
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