” The mind is not a vessel to be filled,
but a fire to be ignited”
~ Plutarch

It is my hope to ignite a fire in the minds of all of my students and colleagues so that they are always inspired to learn more! I love what I do and I make sure the kids know it each day! I am an educator for St. Johns Public Schools in Michigan and have been for over 30 years. In my current position as the Middle School Technology Teacher, I have the opportunity to open kid’s minds to endless possibilities.
Students create blogs to demonstrate their knowledge and people all over the world visit these to see what my students are learning! I showcase my kids and want them to be proud of what they are accomplishing and learning. At the same time, I teach them to be responsible, ethical, and kind. Ultimately, my goal is to engage and empower my students so they want to take control of their learning! Technology is a tool that opens a door to a wealth of information, opportunities, tools, and connections.
” There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One of these is roots, the other, wings."
~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I love to spend time with my family! Especially when we go on adventures! Just a little about my family; my son CJ is a professional firefighter and is married to a great gal named Baily, my daughter Monique is an occupational therapist and is getting married this fall to a nice guy named Brandon, and my youngest daughter Christi is going to school and volunteering her time at the middle school, also at a little cafe and helps out at an embroidery store. My children seem to be growing up way too quickly, however, I enjoy watching them become adults.